WTKanji#3: 聞く • 聴く

Round three is all about listening! (that thing we do actively and passively depending on our level of interest and engagement). Lets jump right into it!

聞く(きく) – The general verb for: “to listen” or “to hear”

  • うわさを聞く – To hear a rumor.
  • 聞き返す(ききかえす)- To listen repeatedly, to listen again.

聴く(きく)- Also means “to listen” or “to hear”, but is specific and limited in the scope of its use in comparison to 聞く.

  • 音楽を聴く – To listen to music.
  • 講義を聴く – To listen to a lecture.

So how do we differentiate between the two?

Typically 「聴く」is used with relation to the following objects and cases: Listening to music, the radio, lectures; typically is not used for listen to an average conversation. This example would be 話を聞く. The primary distinction is that 聴 emphasizes extra effort towards the act of listening versus 聞. Other than this, general sounds and voices would fall under the category and use of 聞く.

